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The Numbers Hurt
Over the last year or so I’ve had so many conversations with officers about if this job is even worth it anymore. Officers that used to...

Thank a Police Officer Day 2020
Today (September 19) is Thank a Police Officer Day. This year they need the thank you more than ever. It has certainly been difficult...

Lessons from the Passenger Seat
Over the last few weeks I haven’t said much because I haven’t had the words. I’ve been heartbroken in so many ways. What happened to...

Covid-19 Chaplaincy
In the last blog I wrote about the importance of a ministry of presence in my job as a law enforcement chaplain. The fun of “loitering...

What Do You Do Here?
The Law Enforcement Chaplain role is one that is pretty difficult to put into words. It’s easy to explain going out on a death scene to...

Should I Really Be Here?
Should I really be here? Is that a question that you’ve ever asked yourself? I have asked it of myself in several different situations....

The Beautiful Sound of Laughter
Saturday I walked into the report room a couple of different times and the room was filled with the sounds of laughter. That was such a...

Law Enforcement Appreciation
Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (almost missed it, but got this in just in time). I know it’s been a while since I’ve...

A Loss that Didn't Have to Be
On September 27, Harris County Sheriff Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal was killed on a routine traffic stop. He pulled the man over for running...

The Things that Stick
All sorts of calls come into the police department. And those calls are received by wonderful telecommunicators that are now considered...
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